Power Flower
Häagen-Dazs Cultural Initiative at Bloomingdale's


  • Interactive Public Installation

The interactive light and sound installation features a series of neon flowers that “bloom” when passersby trigger motion sensors that create an ongoing process of blossoming light sculptures and ambient sound events. As people continue to move past the store’s Lexington Avenue windows, the first flowers triggered will quickly fade out while new ones brighten up, leaving a wave-like trail behind every passerby. As more people pass, the illuminated flowers create a brilliant display of light and sound.

New York is a city of perpetual animation. Stimulated by the city, even visitors become hyper-active. In this time of uncertainty, we wanted to celebrate this collective energy, which shapes the city, by creating an interactive public installation. It reacts to the presence and the movement of passersby and visualizes the kinetic and the psychical energy that radiates from the people of New York in a poetic manner.